Thursday, August 27, 2009

Galactic Readings

Star people, starseeds and childreb of Light ! Valid all year round : from this moment on all requests of my readings will receive a free "virgin untouched" Galactic Crystal from the new US stargate/crystal portal/vortex, see info at the end of this page
Cmdr.Lyur/Jean Michel had the privilege during a UFO close encounter, to have an interlink connection installed in his body/mind by the Space Brothers of the Program from Jesus/Sananda. Since that time he is permanently hooked-up with the Star Lightships "Crystal Bell", "Light", and "Janus", which are "anchoring Golden Light Christ Consciousness Ships" from the Interdimensional, Intergalactic Fleet. Another name for such Starships is 'Merkabahs'. Today for the first time, Commander Lyur is offering the "Golden Starquest" readings. You will discover your Galactic lineage, your transit planet of arrival in this solar system, your special abilities, your specific connections with the Ships, your personal mission on Earth, your mission within Starfleet (that you agreed upon before being incarnated here), and even your choice of future missions in this local and new future universe. This is a "mail order operation", in which Commander Lyur will hook-up for you under the guidance of the finest commanders in the Fleet above.
This is a totally new offering that Cdr. Lyur was asked to provide in the U.S. and worldwide. You will receive by mail 10 to 12 pages of personal guidance that will help you understand and fulfill your embodiment on Earth and your commitment with Starfleet and the spiritual galactic hierarchy from this local universe. I have to shift now from the introductory fee that I have kept in the last 6 years to the normal fee for my Galactic Readings, which is 170 US $. It is still a very valuable offer which has helped star people to receive a lot of information and to trigger their galactic memories.
I just need your name (name of birth), postal address, handwritten letter, and a check in US $. Foreign checks with your local money equivalent are welcome as long as they are written in English. ("Bank checks" in US $ are better, no 'Postal checks', Canadian checks please add 10 US $ for bank charges or use USPS money order, the latter also available all over the planet. Order to the name of Jean Michel Surmely and send to: Jean Michel, P.O. Box 1524 Mena, AR, 71953 U.S.A. You can also use a Credit Card and Paypal. Go to and send to account
I receive immediately a notice from Paypal. In such case you just need to send me a picture of yourself by email to get your frequency for the guidance from my ships . You can also clic on the Credit Card logo in our websites below. Golden Love Captain Lyur

My Galactic Reading are composed of two parts :

1. Your actual Body/Mind components within this time/space frame
2. Current environmental energies within/without you at the time of this reading
3. Message for this life time
4. Suggested proceedings to manifest your reality
5. Projected manifestation when you will incorporate this guidance in your energy fields

1. Your E.T. lineage before you came in this local quadrant
2. The planet on which you made a transit in this solar system (stepping-down procedures) before you took embodiment as a ground personel volunter upon planet Earth.Your work within the Fleet when you were there. Note : there is no kind of astrology used for the whole readings.
3. Your connection with the ships of the Intergalactic/Interdimensional Fleet. Your special abilities within Starfleet.
4. Guidance for your current mission on Earth.
5. Your universal and future mission(s) in the New Universe.

Each number represents one page of readings. I only do the reading by mail or at a separate time because the proper time is set up by my contacts and I need to be in my own space for this. No individual sessions.
Readings by Cdr. Lyur, Starship 'Light#2', Golden Light Division, Ashtar Command, Intergalactic-Interdimensional Fleet
Thank you for your order and support, may the Love/Light of our Radiant One be with you always.
email :
Galactic Crystals : unusual crystals with a lot of extraordinary formations and hundreds of tiny pyramids carved on them, this naturally by Mother Earth and being downloaded information from the space brothers and high dimensional beings at an unknown date. In the 90’s, space brothers have also been seen removing crystals from Earth, doing special procedures on them, and releasing them back to Earth. Those are "galactic archives" and languages of light destined to be used to trigger galactic memories and special multidimensional abilities in the star people and starseeds incarnated on Earth. Warning : the use is to put those carvings on the 3rd eye in order to download the datas. But this can be done only by the “vanguard” of the star people otherwise it could blow up the 3rd eye. I have never seen those before, and do not know if others have dig those, but I feel privileged that they came to me. It is probably the time for them to come out of Mother Earth now, to connect with the 5th dimension.

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